Minggu, 19 Oktober 2014

The Amazing Structure : Dynamic Tower

The Dynamic Tower (also known as Dynamic Architecture Building or the Da Vinci Tower) is a planned 420-metre (1,378 ft), 80-floor moving skyscraper in Dubai, United Arab Emirates which designed by architect David Fisher

Similar to the Suite Vollard completed in 2001 in Brazil, each floor will be able to rotate independently. This will result in a constantly changing shape of the tower. Each floor will rotate a maximum of 6 metres (20 ft) per minute, or one full rotation in 90 minutes.

The majority of the workers will be in factories, where it will be much safer. The entire tower will be powered from wind turbines and solar panels. The turbines will be located between each of the rotating floors. The solar panels will be located on the roof and the top of each floor.

In 2008, Fisher said that he expected the skyscraper to be completed in 2010. In 2009, Fisher said construction would be complete in late 2011. However, as of January 2013, construction has not started yet, and there has been no official announcement of the building site. Fisher did not “say where the tower would be built, because he wanted to keep it a surprise”. Fisher acknowledges that he is not well known, has never built a skyscraper before and has not practiced architecture regularly in decades.

source : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dynamic_Tower